Study Centre
The aim of The Study Centre is to provide and promote high quality reading and learning opportunities for all
The Study Centre is a modern, bespoke building which houses the school’s library of fiction and non-fiction resources. It is a place where students can come to study and read during free time, or where they can come during lesson time with their subject teachers.
The Study Centre is central to the school’s drive to continue to raise achievement. As a library, it has the potential to have a positive impact on learning across the curriculum. It encourages students to become independent in their learning, by showing them how to search for information using a range of resources, and to select and discriminate over a wide variety of sources.
Encouraging reading for pleasure is a proven way to develop good literacy skills, thereby enhancing students' learning across all curriculum subjects. The Study Centre facilitates reading for pleasure through extensive use of its fiction room and whole school reading opportunities.
Mrs E Wren
Study Centre Manager