Brimsham Green School

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Remote Learning

Remote Learning

Students who are learning remotely access their lesson-based materials via satchel:one.

Our aim is to ensure that we minimise the impact of physical absence from school on students’ learning. We partly do this by subject areas continuing to complete their planned journeys through their Curriculum Maps, and partly through delivering ‘live’ lessons, so interactions between students and their teachers can take place. Some tasks that teachers set require students to access learning materials on the OneDrive.

In case any student has forgotten how to access OneDrive, please find a simple set of instructions by clicking here. In the event of school closure, being able to access satchel:one and the OneDrive is critical, so that students can access revision materials at any time of the school year.

Using satchel:one, teachers set tasks that follow the pattern of students’ timetables, and links to ‘live’ lessons can be found in the satchel:one portal. The work set is planned to be completed within the allotted time for each lesson; ‘live’ lessons will finish in time for students to submit their work, have a ‘screen break’, and still be ready for their next lesson. 

Tasks set on satchel:one for students working remotely, cover the same learning objectives as work being completed by their peers in class although the nature of the tasks they complete may be different. Remote learning tasks often need to be different because they are completed independently.

Our Remote Learning Policy can be found by clicking here.