Our School
Extending a warm welcome…
Thank you for wanting to find out more about Brimsham Green School, a community of learners of whom I am very proud.
Visitors to the school always comment that we have created a friendly and inclusive environment, in which students of any and all abilities thrive, academically, and personally. Fundamentally, we believe we are successful because we prioritise a sense of belonging: belonging to our Tutor Group, to our House, to our school, to our local community. When we feel that we belong, we show respect for others, we take responsibility for ourselves, and we aspire for things to be better, for everyone. Students, staff, our Governing Board and our parents/guardians work hard to maintain this ethos.
We aim to excel in all that we do. This requires us to frequently reflect and have enquiring minds; we are restless in our determination to provide the best educational opportunities for our students, both inside and outside the classroom. As such, things continually evolve at Brimsham. This includes our curriculum, which challenges all of our learners, regardless of students’ starting point. It offers breadth, right from Year 7 all the way to Year 13, but has sufficient flexibility to meet the needs of our students, whether this is additional support for literacy, or developing their research skills so they are well-prepared for the rigours of university study. Brimsham teachers, well-led by experienced Heads of Department, are passionate about their subjects, determined to continue to hone their teaching skills, and ambitious for all of the students they teach.
Learning is not restricted to timetabled lessons, and our co-curricular programme throughout Key Stages 3-5, aims to further develop students’ existing interests, and stimulate new ones. So whether your child is creative, likes to perform, is a keen sportsperson or a talented musician, their passions will flourish, including those they haven’t discovered yet…
Fundamentally, we believe that students progress academically when they are happy, and have sufficient resilience and independence to navigate the world they inhabit. As such, our Pastoral Team of staff (Heads of House, Student Support Co-ordinators, our Senior Behaviour Lead, our Attendance Lead) work closely with Tutors to support students’ mental health and wellbeing, and develop their character, so that they can thrive. They liaise closely with our SEND team of staff, who ensure that students receive the right support, at the right time, without creating dependency or a sense of reliance on others.
Ultimately we judge our success as a school by the young adults that our students develop into. We aim for all of our students to become valued employees, employers, leaders, neighbours, partners. Having fulfilling careers is central to this, and our Careers’ Education, Information, Advice and Guidance work has a high profile within school. It begins in Year 7, and is a weekly focus. We are preparing students for jobs that may not yet even exist! Part of being work-place ready, is to have excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Being able to build relationships, maintain them, repair them where necessary, is a life-skill, and we promote this through our Tutor Curriculum.
I, along with all other staff, look forward to meeting you soon.
Kim Garland, Headteacher