Brimsham Green School

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Developing highly literate learners – why it matters

Young people who leave school without good literacy skills are held back at every stage of life. Their outcomes are poorer on almost every measure, from health and wellbeing, to employment and finance. Developing highly literate learners is a whole school priority.

Our Literacy Policy outlines how we develop highly literate learners.

Developing highly literate learners - an introduction to Literacy at Brimsham

At Brimsham Green School,   we recognise that young   people who leave school   with good literacy skills are   advantaged at every stage   of life. Their outcomes are better on almost every measure, from health and wellbeing, to employment and finance.

The opportunity to develop good literacy skills is therefore an entitlement for all students and it is the responsibility of the whole school staff team to teach, model and reinforce good literacy practices.

We aim to ensure all students become effective readers, writers and communicators by:

  • Adopting a ‘disciplinary’ literacy approach; all teachers are facilitators of high quality reading and writing strategies through their subject;
  • Raising individual students’ literacy and their ability to read fluently;
  • Adjusting the curriculum to ensure that those reading below chronological reading age, receive a timely and effective reading intervention. This intervention is a fluid intervention that allows students to return to the same curriculum as their peers when literacy progress has been made. 

Our practices reflect current Educational Research into the most effective Literacy teaching and recommendations from the Ofsted Report ‘Now the whole school is reading’ a summary of the best practice in improving literacy levels in Secondary schools.

Information and links