The Governing Body has the responsibility for ensuring the good conduct and high standards of educational provision and achievement throughout the school. Governors do this by setting the strategic direction of the school, ensuring the quality of the education is high and by holding the Headteacher to account. All of this will enable governors to continually drive up standards within our school.
The Governing Body have responsibility for raising school standards through their three key roles:
Ensuring the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined.
Ensuring the Headteacher is held to account for the educational performance of the school.
Ensuring sound financial management of the school’s financial resources.
The Full Governing Body (FGB) meets formally six times per annum, which includes a Budget meeting. In addition to the FGB we operate several committees that report back to the Full Governing Body. Governors also support the school outside of these formal meetings through the role of the Link Governor. Link Governors are allocated to specific subjects and areas prioritised for improvement. They also support school events and take part in various sub committees and discipline panels as the need arises. Further details on how the governing body operates can be found here.
Our Governing Body membership includes:
Shaun Bailey (Co-Chair) Date Appointed: 20.05.24 Term of Office: 3 years Office expires: 19.05.27
Committees - Strategy (Chair), Resources, Diminishing Differences, Curriculum & Outcomes, HT Appraisal Review, HT Pay Review
Link Governor role/remit - Chair of Governors
Who Appointed - Local Authority
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - Yes
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - 87%
Katie Bennett Date Appointed: 09.12.24 Term of Office: 3 years Office expires: 08.12.27
Committees - t.b.a
Link Governor role/remit -
Who Appointed - Parent Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - Yes
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - n/a
Martin Butler Date Appointed: 14.10.24 Term of Office: 3 Office expires: 13.10.27
Committees - Resources Committee
Link Governor role/remit - None
Who Appointed - Co-opted Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - None
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - n/a
Thomas Crudge Date Appointed: 30.09.24 Term of Office: 2 years Office expires: 29.09.26
Committees - t.b.c
Link Governor role/remit - t.b.c
Who Appointed - Staff Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - None
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - n/a
Lynette DeNobriga Date Appointed: 23.05.22 Term of Office: 3 years Office expired: 30.09.24
Committees - Diminishing Differences, Curriculum & Outcomes
Link Governor role/remit - n/a
Who Appointed - Co-opted Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - Yes
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - 94%
Jack Ford Date Appointed: 04.12.23 Term of Office: 3 years Office expired: 30.09.24
Committees - n/a
Link Governor role/remit - Health & Safety
Who Appointed - Co-opted Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - None
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - 100%
Kim Garland (Headteacher)
Date Appointed: 02.03.15 Term of Office: Continuous
Committees - All committees
Link Governor role/remit - N/A
Who Appointed - Ex-Officio
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - Member of the Management Committee of EOTAS
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - None
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - 100%
Tony Harris (Vice chair) Date Appointed: 25.09.23 Term of Office: 3 years Office expires: 25.09.26
Committees - Curriculum & Outcomes (Chair)
Link Governor role/remit - n/a
Who Appointed - Co-opted Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - Yes
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - 100%
Jo Hewitt Date Appointed: 04.03.24 Term of Office: 3 years Office expires: 03.03.27
Committees -
Link Governor role/remit - n/a
Who Appointed - Co-opted Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - None
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - 88%
Matthew Hill Date Appointed: 03.10.22 Term of Office: 3 years Office expired: 04.03.24
Committees - Resources, HT Pay Review
Link Governor role/remit - n/a
Who Appointed - Co-opted Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - Yes
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - 20%
Aimee Hilton Date Appointed: 09.12.24 Term of Office: 3 years Office expires: 08.12.27
Committees - t.b.a
Link Governor role/remit -
Who Appointed - Parent Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - Yes
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - n/a
Kabul Mahartan Date Appointed: 06.12.21 Term of Office: 3 years Office expired: 30.09.24
Committees - Staffing, Curriculum & Outcomes
Link Governor role/remit - Careers
Who Appointed - Co-opted Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - Yes
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - 38%
Dawn Lane Date Appointed: 06.12.24 Term of Office: 3 years Office expires: 05.12.27
Committees - Strategy, Resources, Diminishing Differences (Chair), Pay
Link Governor role/remit - SEND
Who Appointed - Co-opted Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - Yes
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - 61%
Joseph Pratlett Date Appointed: 30.09.24 Term of Office: 3 years Office expires: 29.09.27
Committees - Diminishing Differences
Link Governor role/remit - None
Who Appointed - Co-opted Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - None
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - 64%
Mike Prottey Date Appointed: 26.02.24 Term of Office: 1 years Office expires: 25.02.25
Committees - Resources, HT Appraisal Review
Link Governor role/remit - None
Who Appointed - Co-opted Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - None
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - 80%
Joshua Shapland Date Appointed: 20.05.24 Term of Office: 3 Years Office expires: 19.05.27
Committees - Curriculum & Outcomes, Diminishing Differences
Link Governor role/remit - t.b.a
Who Appointed - Co-opted Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - None
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - 100%
Samantha Snow Date Appointed: 03.03.24 Term of Office: 3 years Office expired: 09.12.24
Committees - Staffing
Link Governor role/remit - n/a
Who Appointed - Co-opted Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - None
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - Yes
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - 0%
Craig Wheeler (Co-Chair) Date Appointed: 20.05.24 Term of Office: 3 years Office expires: 19.05.27
Committees - Strategy, Resources (Chair), Diminishing Differences, Pay, HT Appraisal Review
Link Governor role/remit - Safeguarding, Health & Safety
Who Appointed - Co-opted Governor
Business & Pecuniary Interests - No
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Relationship with any member of school staff or pupil - Yes
Percentage of 2023-24 governor meetings attended - 95%
Associate Members:
None at present
Clerk to Governors: Position vacant
The following link provides more information regarding the role of Governors:
South Gloucestershire Governors Information